interface OpenIDClientInterface implements OAuthClientInterface

This interface completes the OAuthClient interface for the OpenID protocol.


initialize(array $options = [])

Initialize the class variables and internal state. It must be called before calling other class functions.


Checks if the user is authenticated with the current OAuth provider.


Process the OAuth protocol interaction with the OAuth provider.

callAPI(string $url, string $method, array $parameters, array $options)

Send a HTTP request to the Web services API using a previously obtained access token via OAuth.

getResourceOwner(string $endpoint = null)

Returns the information about the resource owner using a previously obtained access token via OAuth.

fetchResourceOwner(array $options)

Returns the information about the resource owner.


Cleanup any resources that may have been used during the OAuth protocol processing or execution of API calls.

checkAccessToken(string $redirectUrl)

Check if the access token was retrieved and if it is valid.


Reset the access token to a state back when the user has not yet authorized the access to the OAuth provider API.


Determines whether the revokeToken function can be called.

revokeToken(string $tokenTypeHint = 'access_token')

Revoke a previously obtained token so it becomes invalid.


Determines whether the logOut function can be called.

logOut(string $redirect = null)

Calls the end-session endpoint to notify the provider that the end-user has logged out of the relying party site.


Determine if the current script should be exited.


Returns the obtained access token upon successful OAuth authentication.


Returns the obtained refresh token upon successful OAuth authentication.


Returns the obtained ID token upon successful OpenID authentication.


Returns the current instance of the OAuthProvider class.


Returns the current instance of the OAuthClientStrategy class.

introspectToken(string $token, string $tokenTypeHint = '')

Determines the active state of a token and the meta-information about this token.


in OAuthClientInterface at line 30
bool initialize(array $options = [])

Initialize the class variables and internal state. It must be called before calling other class functions.

Set the provider variable before calling this function to let it initialize the class variables to work with the specified provider. Alternatively, you can set other class variables manually to make it work with providers that are not yet built-in supported.


array $options class variables to work with the specified provider.

Return Value

bool This function returns true if it was able to successfully initialize the class for the specified server type.

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bool isAuthenticated()

Checks if the user is authenticated with the current OAuth provider.

Call this function if you want to know if the user needs to log in to access the resources he owns without doing so.

Return Value

bool This function returns true if the user is authenticated, false otherwise.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 51
bool authenticate()

Process the OAuth protocol interaction with the OAuth provider.

Call this function when you need to retrieve the OAuth access token. Check the access_token to determine if the access token was obtained successfully.

Return Value

bool This function returns true if the OAuth protocol was processed without errors.

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mixed callAPI(string $url, string $method, array $parameters, array $options)

Send a HTTP request to the Web services API using a previously obtained access token via OAuth.

This function can be used to call an API after having previously obtained an access token through the OAuth protocol using the authenticate function, or by directly setting the variables access_token, as well as access_token_secret in case of using OAuth 1.0 or 1.0a services. The response_status variable returns the HTTP response status of the request. The responseHeaders variable returns the HTTP response headers. The responseBody variable returns the HTTP response body.


string $url URL of the API where the HTTP request will be sent.
string $method HTTP method that will be used to send the request. It can be 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT', etc..
array $parameters Associative array with the names and values of the API call request parameters.
array $options Associative array with additional options to configure the request.

Currently it supports the following options:

  • '2legged' : boolean option that determines if the API request should be 2 legged. The default value is false.
  • 'accept' : content type value of the Accept HTTP header to be sent in the API call HTTP request. Some APIs require that a certain value be sent to specify which version of the API is being called. The default value is '/'.
  • 'accept_language' : value of the Accept-Language HTTP header to be sent in the API call HTTP request. Some APIs require that a certain value be sent to specify which version of the API is being called.
  • 'convert_json_to_array' : boolean option that determines if objects should be converted into arrays when the response is returned in JSON format. The default value is false.
  • 'convert_xml_to_object' : name of the method to convert XML responses. Currently only 'simplexml' is supported. It makes a XML response be parsed and returned as a SimpleXMLElement object.
  • 'fail_on_access_error' : boolean option that determines if this functions should fail when the provider response status is not between 200 and 299. The default value is false.
  • 'files' : associative array with details of the parameters that must be passed as file uploads. The array indexes must have the same name of the parameters to be sent as files. The respective array entry values must also be associative arrays with the parameters for each file. Currently it supports the following parameters:

                         - 'type' MIME value of the content type of the file.
                         - 'filename' defines a custom file name for the file to be uploaded. Default: none
                         - 'contents' optional, the contents of the file
  • 'post_data_in_uri' : boolean option to determine that a POST request should pass the request data in the URI. The default value is false.

  • 'max_redirects' : limit number of times that HTTP response redirects will be followed. If it is set to 0, redirection responses fail in error. The default value is 0.
  • 'body' : request body data of a custom type. The 'request_content_type' option must be specified, so the 'body' option is considered.
  • 'request_content_type' : content type that should be used to send the request values. It can be either 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for sending values like from Web forms, or 'application/json' for sending the values encoded in JSON format. The default value is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
  • 'headers' : associative array of custom headers to be sent with the API call. These headers override any values set by the class when sending the API call HTTP request.
  • 'resource' : string with a label that will be used in the error messages and debug log entries to identify what operation the request is performing. The default value is 'API call'.
  • 'response_content_type': content type that should be considered when decoding the API request response. This overrides the Content-Type header returned by the server. If the content type is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' the function will parse the data returning an array of key-value pairs. If the content type is 'application/json' the response will be decode as a JSON-encoded data type. Other content type values will make the function return the original response value as it was returned from the server. The default value for this option is to use what the server returned in the Content-Type header.

Return Value

mixed Return the value of the API response. If the value is JSON encoded, this function will decode it and return the value converted to respective types. If the value is form encoded, this function will decode the response and return it as an array. Otherwise, the class will return the value as a string. This function returns false if the call was not done successfully.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 140
ResourceOwner getResourceOwner(string $endpoint = null)

Returns the information about the resource owner using a previously obtained access token via OAuth.

This function must be called after having previously obtained an access token through the OAuth protocol using the authenticate function, or by directly setting the variables access_token, as well as access_token_secret in case of using OAuth 1.0 or 1.0a services.


string $endpoint URL of the user info endpoint.

Return Value

ResourceOwner The resource owner

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ResourceOwner fetchResourceOwner(array $options)

Returns the information about the resource owner.

This function is a high-level function that perform all the necessary actions (initalization, authentication, ...) before requesting the information about the resource owner.


array $options array of parameters.

Return Value

ResourceOwner The resource owner

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Cleanup any resources that may have been used during the OAuth protocol processing or execution of API calls.

Always call this function as the last step after calling the functions authenticate() or callAPI(...).

in OAuthClientInterface at line 181
string|bool checkAccessToken(string $redirectUrl)

Check if the access token was retrieved and if it is valid.

Call this function when you need to check of an access token is valid without forcing to redirect the user to the OAuth provider authorization page.

If a previously retrieved access token has expired, this function may renew it automatically.


string $redirectUrl

Return Value

string|bool the URL of the OAuth provider authorization to redirect the user if the access token was not yet retrieved or is not valid. This function returns true if the OAuth protocol was checked without errors.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 205
bool resetAccessToken()

Reset the access token to a state back when the user has not yet authorized the access to the OAuth provider API.

Call this function if for some reason the token to access the API was revoked and you need to ask the user to authorize the access again.

By default the class stores and retrieves access tokens in a session variable named 'OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'.

This function must be called when the user is accessing your site pages, so it can reset the information stored in session variables that cache the state of a previously retrieved access token.

Actual implementations should create a sub-class and override this function to reset the access token state when it is stored in other types of containers, like for instance databases.

Return Value

bool This function should return true if the access token was resetted successfully.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 213
bool canRevokeToken()

Determines whether the revokeToken function can be called.

Return Value

bool returns true if OAuth provider has a revocation endpoint and there is a valid access token.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 226
bool revokeToken(string $tokenTypeHint = 'access_token')

Revoke a previously obtained token so it becomes invalid.

Call this function when you need to invalidate a token that you no longer need to use, so it is not used by any other application.


string $tokenTypeHint the type of token to be revoked if it is not an access token.

Return Value

bool This function returns true if the OAuth protocol was revoked without errors.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 235
bool canLogOut()

Determines whether the logOut function can be called.

Return Value

bool returns true if OAuth provider has a end-session endpoint and there is a valid access token.

in OAuthClientInterface at line 247
logOut(string $redirect = null)

Calls the end-session endpoint to notify the provider that the end-user has logged out of the relying party site.


string $redirect URL to which the RP is requesting that the End-User's User Agent be redirected after a logout has been performed. The value MUST have been previously registered with the OP. Value can be null.



in OAuthClientInterface at line 259
bool shouldExit()

Determine if the current script should be exited.

Call this function after calling the authenticate function and exit your script immediately if this function returns true.

Return Value


in OAuthClientInterface at line 270
string getAccessToken()

Returns the obtained access token upon successful OAuth authentication.

Call this function to get the obtained access token upon successful OAuth authorization.

Return Value


in OAuthClientInterface at line 281
string getRefreshToken()

Returns the obtained refresh token upon successful OAuth authentication.

Call this function to get the obtained refresh token upon successful OAuth authorization.

Return Value


in OAuthClientInterface at line 291
IdToken getIdToken()

Returns the obtained ID token upon successful OpenID authentication.

Call this function if the OAuth provider returns id_token values.

Return Value

IdToken the obtained ID token

in OAuthClientInterface at line 300
OAuthProvider getProvider()

Returns the current instance of the OAuthProvider class.

Return Value


in OAuthClientInterface at line 309
OAuthClientStrategy getStrategy()

Returns the current instance of the OAuthClientStrategy class.

Return Value


at line 29
object|false introspectToken(string $token, string $tokenTypeHint = '')

Determines the active state of a token and the meta-information about this token.


string $token The string value of the token to introspect. This is the "access_token" or the "refresh_token" value returned from the token endpoint.
string $tokenTypeHint hint about the type of the submitted token. Values are 'access_token' or 'refresh_token'. if omitted the server will use heuristics to determine the token type

Return Value

object|false The Json object containing the state and meta-information about the token or false if this information can not be obtained

