G6K: Administration guide

Composition of expressions


Expressions are mathematical formulas evaluated by G6K to perform a simulation.

An expression is a combination of operands and operators.

<expression>: <operand>[<operator><operand>]
<operand>: <expression>|<operand>

G6K has a component for entering expressions.

This component is used:

  • for the constitution of the filters of the access requests to the reference data sources
  • to calculate the default value, the minimum value, the maximum value or the content of a data
  • for the constitution of the conditions of business rules

Composition of an expression

To compose an expression, click on the list box

So, you can select the elements that make up an operand:

  • literal value
  • constant
  • data (field)
  • function
  • nested expression

These elements are described below:



Name Description
Literal Lets you enters a literal value. After selecting this item, the input field appears: . Enter the value and press the "Enter" key. The word « Literal » is replaced by the value entered.
Nested expression Lets you put part of the expression in brackets. After selecting this element, the list box is enclosed in parentheses:


The list of fields is made up of the labels of the data you have defined ("Datas" panel).

To insert a field into the expression, select it from the list.


Name Description
pi 3,14159
now Date of simulation day
today Alias ​​from now
true Boolean 'true'
false Boolean 'false'


Function Description Number of arguments Type returned
abs returns the absolute value of the numeric argument 1 number
acos returns the arc cosine of the value passed in argument 1 number
acosh returns the hyperbolic cosine arc of the value passed in argument 1 number
addMonths adds the number of months in argument 1 to the date in argument 2 and returns the result date 2 date
asin returns the sine arc of the value passed in argument 1 number
asinh returns the hyperbolic sine arc of the value passed in argument 1 number
atan returns the arc tangent of the value passed in argument 1 number
atan2 returns the arc tangent 2 of the value passed in argument 1 number
atanh returns the hyperbolic tangent arc of the value passed in argument 1 number
ceil returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the value passed in argument 1 number
concat returns the result of concatenating strings passed as arguments 2 text
cos returns the cosine of the value passed in argument 1 number
cosh returns the cosine of the value passed in argument 1 number
count returns the number of non-zero arguments unlimited number
day returns the day (1 to 31) extracted from the date provided in argument 1 number
exp returns the exponential of the value passed in argument, ie the value of e scope to the power of the argument 1 number
firstDayOfMonth returns the date corresponding to the first day of the month, calculated from the date given in argument 1 date
floor returns the largest integer value less than or equal to the value passed in argument 1 number
fullmonth returns the plaintext of the month extracted from the date given as argument 1
get returns the element of the list in argument 1 in position given in argument 2 2 text
lastday returns the last day of the month (1 to 31) calculated from the month (1 to 12) in argument 1 and the year in argument 2 2 number
lastDayOfMonth returns the date corresponding to the last day of the month, calculated from the date provided in argument 1 date
lcfirst converts the first letter of the string to lowercase 1 text
length returns the length of the string passed as argument 1 integer
log returns the logarithm of the value passed in argument 1 number
log10 returns the base 10 logarithm of the value passed in argument 1 number
lower converts the string to lowercase letters 1 text
match returns true if the text in argument 2 corresponds to the regular expression in argument 1, false otherwise 2 boolean
max returns the largest of the values ​​provided in arguments unlimited number
min returns the smallest of the values ​​provided in arguments unlimited number
money converts the amount provided in argument to a string 1 text
month returns the month (1 to 12) extracted from the given date in argument 1 number
nextWorkDay return on working day (taking account of bank holidays) according to the date provided in argument 1 date
pow returns the value of the argument 1 high to the power of the value of the argument 2 2 number
rand returns a random value between 0 and 1 inclusive with the argument as the starting value 1 number
replace replaces all occurrences of argument 1 in argument 3 with the value of argument 2 3 text
round rounding the value of argument 1 to the nearest value with the number of decimals passed in argument 2 2 number
sin returns the sine of the value passed in argument 1 number
sinh returns the hyperbolic sine of the value passed in argument 1 number
size returns the number of elements in the supplied list e argument 1 number
split transforms the string provided in argument 2 into a list according to the regular expression in argument 1 2 list
sqrt returns the square root of the value passed in argument 1 number
sum returns the sum of arguments unlimited number
tan returns the tangent of the value passed in argument 1 number
tanh returns the hyperbolic tangent of the value passed in argument 1 number
trim removes white characters at the beginning and end of the string 1 text
ucfirst converts the first letter of the string to uppercase 1 text
upper converts the string to uppercase 1 text
workdays returns the number of working days (taking into account the holidays) between the two dates provided in arguments. 2 number
workdaysofmonth returns the number of working days (taking into account the holidays) of the month calculated from the month (1 to 12) in argument 2 and the year in argument 1 2 number
year returns the extracted year

After selection of the function, a list box by argument is displayed, allowing you to enter the arguments of the function. These arguments are also expressions.

When you have finished entering the operand, it is displayed underlined. Thus, element names and opening parentheses are underlined.

This operand may be sufficient to constitute an expression, but you can combine it with other operands to compose a more "complex" expression. To do this, right-click an underlined item and the following menu appears:

Menu Item Description
Change this operand Replaces the underlined element with a list box: allowing you to replace the operand
Add operand after Adds a list box of operators after the underlined element so you can select the operator that will combine the two operands. Once the operator is selected, a list box is displayed for the second operand.
Operators are defined in the following paragraph.
Add operand before Adds a list box of operands for the second operand and a list box of operators to combine the two operands before the underlined element.
Operators are defined in the following paragraph.
Change to nested expression Replaces the underlined element with a list box enclosed in parenthesis:
Delete this operand Deletes the underlined operand.


Symbol Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Rest of the entire division
& Bit-to-bit operator 'AND'
| Bit-to-bit operator 'OR'

Example of expression

In the demo simulator provided with G6K for the calculation of maintenance allowance, the "Amount per child" data is calculated with the following expression:

max(0, round((Debtor's income - Lump amount of the French RSA) * Alimony rate / 100))

In this expression « Debtor's income », « Lump amount of the French RSA » and « Alimony rate » are fields (data), « max » and « round » are functions, « 0 » and « 100 » are literal values, « - », « * » and « / » are operators.