class ResultFilter

This class is used to filter the results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

The return path can be a JSONPath or XPath expression, a CSS selector or a line and column number.


private array $functions
private array $phpfunctions



Constructor of class ResultFilter

static mixed|null
filter(string $format, mixed $result, string $path, array $namespaces = array(), string $separator = ",", string $delimiter = "")

Filters the results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

filterJSON(mixed $json, string $path)

Filters the JSON results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

filterCSV(string $csv, string $path, string $separator, string $delimiter)

Filters the CSV results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

filterHTML(Crawler $crawler, string $path, array $namespaces = array())

Filters the HTML results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

filterXML(Crawler $crawler, string $path, array $namespaces = array())

Filters the XML results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

replacePathFunctions(string $path)

Replaces the php functions in an XPath expression with the syntax required for their executions

createXML(string $node_name, array $arr = array())

Converts an array to a XML DOM document

bool2str(bool $v)

Converts a true/false (boolean) value to a string

isValidTagName(string $tag)

Determines whether the given tag name is valid or not.

convertToXML(DomDocument $dom, string $node_name, array $arr = array())

Converts an array to a XML DOM node of a DOM document

createArray(DOMNodeList $xml)

Creates and returns an array from a list of XML DOM node

replaceTextKeys(array $array)

Replaces all '#text' keys of the given array by the corresponding text

nodeHasChild(DOMNode $node)

Determines whether a DOM node has at least one DOM element as child.

convertToArray(DOMNodeList|DOMNode $xml)

Converts a list of XML DOM node to an array

xPathFilter(string $root, array $array, string $path)

Filters an array with an XPath expression

xPathDOMFilter(DOMDocument $doc, string $path, array $namespaces = array())

Filters an XML DOM document with an XPath expression and converts it to an array

static array|string
xml2array(array $xml)

Converts an array of SimpleXMLElement to an associative array

static int|null
timestamp(string $format, string $dateStr)

Parses a date string according to the given format and returns its timestamp


at line 170
void __construct()

Constructor of class ResultFilter

Return Value


at line 187
static mixed|null filter(string $format, mixed $result, string $path, array $namespaces = array(), string $separator = ",", string $delimiter = "")

Filters the results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.


string $format The result type (json, csv, html or xml)
mixed $result The results of a query
string $path The return path defined in the source.
array $namespaces (default: array() The list of namespaces if the result is in xml or html format
string $separator The field separator if the result is in csv format
string $delimiter The field delimiter if the result is in csv format

Return Value

mixed|null The filtered result

at line 213
protected array filterJSON(mixed $json, string $path)

Filters the JSON results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

The return path is a JSONPath or a XPath expression


mixed $json The JSON results
string $path The return path defined in the source.

Return Value

array The filtered result

at line 237
protected mixed filterCSV(string $csv, string $path, string $separator, string $delimiter)

Filters the CSV results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

The return path is in the form "line number/column number"


string $csv The CSV results
string $path The return path defined in the source.
string $separator The field separator
string $delimiter The field delimiter

Return Value

mixed The filtered result

at line 271
protected array filterHTML(Crawler $crawler, string $path, array $namespaces = array())

Filters the HTML results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

The return path is a XPath expression or a CSS selector


Crawler $crawler The HTML results
string $path The return path defined in the source.
array $namespaces (default: array() The list of namespaces

Return Value

array The filtered result

at line 304
protected array filterXML(Crawler $crawler, string $path, array $namespaces = array())

Filters the XML results of a query on a data source with the 'return path' defined in the source.

The return path is a XPath expression


Crawler $crawler The XML results
string $path The return path defined in the source.
array $namespaces (default: array() The list of namespaces

Return Value

array The filtered result

at line 322
protected string replacePathFunctions(string $path)

Replaces the php functions in an XPath expression with the syntax required for their executions


string $path The XPath expression

Return Value

string The new XPath expression

at line 341
protected DomDocument createXML(string $node_name, array $arr = array())

Converts an array to a XML DOM document


string $node_name The root of the XML DOM document
array $arr (default: array() The array to be converted

Return Value

DomDocument The new XML DOM document

at line 357
protected string bool2str(bool $v)

Converts a true/false (boolean) value to a string


bool $v The boolean value

Return Value

string The result of the conversion

at line 371
protected bool isValidTagName(string $tag)

Determines whether the given tag name is valid or not.


string $tag The tag name

Return Value

bool true if the tag name is valid, false otherwise

at line 387
protected DOMNode convertToXML(DomDocument $dom, string $node_name, array $arr = array())

Converts an array to a XML DOM node of a DOM document


DomDocument $dom &$dom The DOM document
string $node_name The name of the node
array $arr (default: array()) The array to be converted

Return Value

DOMNode The new DOM node



at line 453
protected array createArray(DOMNodeList $xml)

Creates and returns an array from a list of XML DOM node


DOMNodeList $xml The list of XML DOM node

Return Value

array The new array

at line 467
protected void replaceTextKeys(array $array)

Replaces all '#text' keys of the given array by the corresponding text


array $array &$array The given array

Return Value


at line 502
protected bool nodeHasChild(DOMNode $node)

Determines whether a DOM node has at least one DOM element as child.


DOMNode $node The DOM node

Return Value

bool true if DOM node has at least one DOM element as child, false otherwise

at line 521
protected array convertToArray(DOMNodeList|DOMNode $xml)

Converts a list of XML DOM node to an array


DOMNodeList|DOMNode $xml The list of XML DOM node

Return Value

array The new array

at line 554
protected array xPathFilter(string $root, array $array, string $path)

Filters an array with an XPath expression


string $root A pseudo root node name for the XPath expression
array $array The array to be filtered
string $path The XPath expression

Return Value

array The new array

at line 569
protected array xPathDOMFilter(DOMDocument $doc, string $path, array $namespaces = array())

Filters an XML DOM document with an XPath expression and converts it to an array


DOMDocument $doc The DOM document
string $path The XPath expression
array $namespaces (default: array() The list of namespaces

Return Value

array The new array

at line 590
static array|string xml2array(array $xml)

Converts an array of SimpleXMLElement to an associative array


array $xml The array of SimpleXMLElement

Return Value

array|string The associative array

at line 624
static int|null timestamp(string $format, string $dateStr)

Parses a date string according to the given format and returns its timestamp


string $format The given format
string $dateStr The date string

Return Value

int|null The timestamp or null if there is an error

