class SQLToJSONConverter

This class allows the conversion of a SQL database to a compliant JSON database


private array $parameters
private array $types
private string $databasesDir
private SimpleXMLElement $datasources
private int $maxId


__construct(array $fparameters, string $databasesDir)

Constructor of class SQLToJSONConverter

convert(SimpleXMLElement $datasource)

Transfers the schema and data from a data source into an array for conversion to JSON

getDatabase(SimpleXMLElement $datasource, bool $withDbName = true)

Returns a Database object for the database of a data source

tableInfos(Database $database, string $table)

Returns the information on a table

getData(Database $database, string $table, array $schema, array $required)

Returns all the rows of a table of a SQL database

guessType(string $value, string $priorType = '')

Guess the type of the value of a choice item

castValue(string $value, string $type)

Casts a value according to its type.


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void __construct(array $fparameters, string $databasesDir)

Constructor of class SQLToJSONConverter


array $fparameters The database parameters
string $databasesDir The G6K databases directory

Return Value


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array convert(SimpleXMLElement $datasource)

Transfers the schema and data from a data source into an array for conversion to JSON


SimpleXMLElement $datasource The datasource definition extracted from DataSources.xml

Return Value

array The result array

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protected The getDatabase(SimpleXMLElement $datasource, bool $withDbName = true)

Returns a Database object for the database of a data source


SimpleXMLElement $datasource The datasource definition extracted from DataSources.xml
bool $withDbName (default: true) if false, the name of the database will not be inserted in the dsn string.

Return Value

The Database object

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protected array|null tableInfos(Database $database, string $table)

Returns the information on a table


Database $database The unified access interface to the database
string $table The name of the table

Return Value

array|null The information on the table

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protected array getData(Database $database, string $table, array $schema, array $required)

Returns all the rows of a table of a SQL database


Database $database The unified access interface to the database
string $table The name of the table
array $schema &$schema The list of columns in the table and their properties
array $required &$required The list of required columns

Return Value

array The rows of the table

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protected string guessType(string $value, string $priorType = '')

Guess the type of the value of a choice item


string $value The value
string $priorType (default: '') The harmonized type of the prior items of the choice

Return Value

string The type of the value

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protected string|bool|int|float castValue(string $value, string $type)

Casts a value according to its type.


string $value The value to be casted
string $type The type of the value.

Return Value

string|bool|int|float The casted value